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The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars


The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

You may not believe it, but the political circle and the automotive industry are closely related! The cars that politicians drive are not chosen randomly, but a reflection of their inner thoughts, just like their "business cards". A car can reflect their values, their past, and the policies they care about. This mixture of personal preferences and public image is really interesting, just like watching a "reality show" of political leaders.


Joe Biden---1967 Chevrolet Corvette

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

President Joe Biden is a car enthusiast! He often calls himself a "car geek" and loves cars, especially his 1967 Chevrolet Corvette.

When it comes to Biden's gossip, most of it is about his Corvette. This car was a wedding gift from his father, a vintage Stingray in Goodwood Green, and he is very precious to it. Although he has a busy political career, he still has to take time to maintain and take care of it. I remember there was a video in 2016 that showed him driving a Corvette race car with former Secretary of State Colin Powell at the Secret Service training base. Since then, everyone knows how much the president loves this car.

And Biden is also particularly interested in electric vehicles. During his 2021 campaign and as president, he has always supported American-made electric vehicles, believing that electric vehicles are the future of the automotive industry and can also help us deal with climate change. He was rumored to have test-driven the new Ford F-150 Lightning (an all-electric truck) before it was officially released, and the media was buzzing about it!


Mitt Romney---Ford Mustang

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Mitt Romney, this guy is not simple. He is not only a senator from Utah, but also a governor of Massachusetts. He has a special relationship with the auto industry. It has to start a long time ago. It is not just because he likes cars.

Look, his father George Romney is the big boss of American Motors Corporation (AMC), but unfortunately the company is now bankrupt.

Speaking of Romney and cars, the most gossipy thing is when he ran for president in 2012. He went to Detroit to give a speech and proudly said that his family has a lot of cars, including Ford Mustangs, Chevrolet pickups, etc. He also said that his wife An has several Cadillacs, especially the Cadillac SRX, which is very luxurious. As soon as this was said, it immediately caused an uproar. His opponents seized on this point and said that he was not the same as ordinary Americans.

In that campaign, Romney's relationship with the auto industry also became a hot topic. As early as 2008, he wrote an article in the New York Times with a very harsh title, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." He advocated a managed bankruptcy for the auto industry, instead of relying on bailouts. But the U.S. auto industry later became thriving again, and his position has been brought up and reiterated by everyone.



Howard Dean---six-cylinder Chevrolet Impala

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Howard Dean was the governor of Vermont and the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He is a very down-to-earth person. He doesn't like extravagance, even when choosing a car. His car stories are different from those luxury cars and flashy cars mentioned in gossip. They are all practical cars.

When he was governor, he chose a six-cylinder Chevrolet Impala made in the United States as his official car. Everyone said that this was a sign of his support for American industry, and the car was also very economical. He used this car for several years, and he still used it even after he was no longer governor.

I heard that when he lived in Burlington, Vermont, he drove a Saturn, which shows that he is a down-to-earth person. He has not changed this car for many years, and it is well maintained and can be used for a long time. In general, Howard Dean's car selection is just like his life, down-to-earth and not fancy.


John Hickenlooper---Plymouth Fury

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Colorado Senator and former governor John Hickenlooper is a classic car fan. He often talks about these cars, but he says that his feelings for cars are mainly nostalgic, not for showing off. So, his stories are all interesting, not gossip.

Speaking of Hickenlooper's stories about cars, the most famous one is his 1958 Plymouth Fury. This car is a rare one, and he always talks about how much fun it was to drive it when he was young. He has such deep feelings for this car that he even used it in his political campaign. I remember when he ran for re-election as governor in 2010, he shot a TV commercial in which he pushed this car up a mountain, meaning that he wanted to make Colorado's economy "up a mountain".

Hickenlooper's love for cars is also reflected in his policies. When he was governor, he was very supportive of the automotive industry and promoted electric vehicles in Colorado, and set up a statewide electric vehicle plan. This guy is really an interesting person. Not only does he love cars, but he also integrates his hobbies into his work.



John Kerry----1967 Austin-Healey

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Speaking of John Kerry, the current US Presidential Special Envoy for Climate Change, he is a real car lover. I heard that he is particularly interested in classic cars, which is often reported in the media, and sometimes his cars are used to talk about his wealth.

Kerry has a 1967 Austin-Healey convertible, which he has been playing with since the early 1980s. It can be said to be one of the treasures in his collection. In addition to this car, he also has good cars such as Chrysler 300C and Chevrolet Suburban.

But when it comes to Kerry and cars, the most popular thing is when he ran for president in 2004. His wife Theresa has two luxury cars, an Audi and a Land Rover Discovery, both registered in Pennsylvania. This matter was seized upon by critics, saying that he was not concerned enough about American industry and workers, which was a big topic in the election. However, Kerry's team quickly came out to explain that their family actually has American-made cars, such as Chrysler minivans.

Now Kerry is focusing on sustainable transportation. As the special envoy for climate change, he advocates reducing carbon emissions and promoting electric vehicles and other clean energy transportation. It seems that he really cares about environmental protection!


Al Gore---Mercury Mariner Hybrid

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Everyone knows Al Gore, the former vice president of the United States, who is also a well-known environmental activist. He often advocates for sustainable transportation, and because of this, people often associate him with cars. Some people praise him, and some people criticize him.

In 2007, Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his climate change actions. But not long after winning the award, he was criticized for the car he used at home. Some people said that although he had a hybrid car, his family also had other large, fuel-intensive cars.

After hearing this, Gore publicly stated that he wanted to live a green life. His family installed solar panels and geothermal heating systems, and bought a Mercury Mariner Hybrid, which was one of the first plug-in hybrid SUVs. He did this to respond to those criticisms and to show that his own lifestyle was consistent with what he advocated.

However, some people still insisted that although he did this, he still often flew around in a private jet, which also produced a lot of carbon emissions. Having said that, Gore has always stood on the side of sustainable transportation and worked hard to promote policies to reduce carbon emissions in the automotive industry.

So, how can I put it? Gore is indeed a controversial figure, but he has indeed made a lot of efforts in environmental protection.



Tim Pawlenty---Chevy Nova

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Speaking of Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota who also ran for president, he is a car fan. When it comes to him and cars, we have to talk about his interesting experiences.

Do you know what his first car was? It was a Chevrolet Nova. To be honest, the car didn't look very good, but he had to share it with his brothers and sisters. However, Pawlenty always mentioned this car, saying that it was a symbol of his ordinary family background. Now, he drives a Ford Mustang, and you can see how much he likes American-made cars.

I remember when he ran for president in 2011, everyone talked about his love for cars. He also launched an "American Jobs Plan" at the time, saying that this thing is like NASCAR racing. He said that he wanted to boost the US economy, just like adding rocket fuel to racing cars. It can be seen that he really loves racing.

Although there is nothing messy between Pawlenty and cars, his love for cars has become a symbol of his ordinary family background and support for American manufacturing. All these played a very important role in his political career.


Mark Sanford---Hyundai Sonata

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

Speaking of former South Carolina Governor and U.S. Representative Mark Sanford, he is a well-known fiscal conservative. He is very particular about even the choice of cars.

I remember when he was governor, he actually chose a 2008 Hyundai Sonata as his official car. This car looks quite ordinary, just a mid-sized sedan, which is nothing compared to the luxury SUVs that politicians often drive. But Sanford chose it, and everyone talked about it. Everyone felt that this choice was a living example of his promise to save money and proof that he had fulfilled his campaign promise to reduce unnecessary spending.

Also, when he was in Congress later, someone spotted him driving a small two-seater Fiat. The car was small and fuel-efficient, and it was obvious that he was trying to save money. His choice of car once again proved to everyone that he was really a frugal person, and he did what he said and led by example.



Gavin Newsom---electric car

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

California Governor Gavin Newsom is a real transportation pioneer. However, his interest in cars is more about policy than personal preference. This is a hot topic, and everyone has different opinions.

When it comes to Newsom and cars, the hottest topic is his bold climate policy. In 2020, he issued an executive order that by 2035, California would not allow the sale of new gasoline cars. This became big news all of a sudden, and the whole United States knew about it. Some people praised him, while others scolded him. Everyone started discussing the future of the automotive industry and how important electric cars are.

Although we don't know what car Newsom himself prefers to drive, his policies have shaken the automotive industry. His promotion of electric vehicles has made California a leader in sustainable transportation, and has also put a lot of pressure on other states and automakers to keep up with the trend.


John McCain---Cadillac CTS

The Strange Intersection of Politicians and Cars

By the way, the story of the late Arizona Senator and 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his car is really interesting and is often reported by the media.

I remember during the 2008 presidential campaign, in an interview, McCain said that he didn't know how many cars he had, which made everyone curious. Later, his campaign team came out and said that his family had 13 cars, all kinds of cars, American Cadillac CTS, Ford pickup trucks, foreign Lexus, Volkswagen, nothing was missing.

This matter immediately caused a heated discussion. His opponents seized on this point and said that he was very different from ordinary Americans.

Then, McCain's choice of car also became a point of contention. Although he supports American companies, he also has foreign cars, which makes people criticize him. However, McCain is also good at defending himself. He said that his Cadillac was made in the United States, and his wife Cindy McCain drives a BMW Hydrogen 7, which is a hydrogen fuel cell car, which shows that he is also very concerned about environmentally friendly transportation.

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